Ovobrand’s facilities are built according to advanced standards and the latest generation of equipment.
The 1,300 hectares (3,250 acres) that integrate the premises of our company have a circuit of 6.5 km (4 miles) of internal roads that are of exclusive use for the activities of Egg production and Egg products.
The Grain Stock Plant has flat bottom elevated silos that prevent humidity penetration on their bases, which reduce the risk of fungus attack and a following production of micotoxins to the grains and meals.
The Bird houses, whether for Rearing or Laying, have a double wall insulating hollow brick enclosure. The roof has double insulation of mineral wool and metal sheet both external and internal, to ensure proper cleaning and sanitization.
Its equipment is set with the maximum degree of automation and control.
The Egg Transfer Center is equipped in such a way that it allows to optionally carry eggs independently from each house to the Grading and/or Processing Area.
The Shell Egg Warehouse is used either for exportation or for the local market. It has a storage capacity for 16,000 cases of shell egg.
The Egg Processing Plant is equipped with the latest technology, unique in South America. The suppliers meet the innocuousness demands established by the current food industry. The drinking water, the food degree lubricants, compressed air, food degree frozen water and ventilation systems comply with EU requirements for the Egg industrialization, and gives the frame to the pre-requisite that consolidate Quality Assurance.
Our commitment with the community and the environment is translated into Social Business Responsibility practices and programs: It involves the treatment of the industrial sewage using Artificial Dry Swamps (ADS) technology that gives the possibility of returning the liquids treated into the natural watercourses without polluting them.
The ADS System does not use electrical energy, is noiseless, does not generate smells and avoids the formation of water mirrors where insects and birds settle, which contributes to the biosecurity of the Company.
Thus, using solar light and native plant species, the sewage turns into clean water and can be emptied into the watercourses without affecting the environment.